I have quite a few public presentations on the calendar. One is on Zoom so anyone can tune in wherever you may be. The others are in-person in southern Michigan. The topic for all of these is "Designing Native Plant Gardens: Minimizing the Error in 'Trial and Error'
February 12th, 6:30 in Ann Arbor, MI at Matthaei Botanical Garden. Hosted by the Ann Arbor chapter of Wild Ones. More information here.
February 17th, 6:30 - 8:00 on Zoom. Hosted by the River City Grand Rapids chapter of Wild Ones. Register at this link
March 1st, 2:00 - 4:00 in East Lansing, MI at Kellogg Center, Michigan State University. Hosted by Wildflower Association of Michigan. This a is part of a weekend conference. More information here.
March 10, 1:00 - 2:45 in South Haven, MI at First Congregational Church. Hosted by South Haven Garden Club. More information here.
March 21st, 6:00 - 7:00 in Portage, MI at Portage Parks and Recreation. This is part of the "Terra Talks" series. More information here.
Here are some sneak peek screenshots from the presentation...
